Swiss Hotel 4⋆, Straja
Valoare investitie:
Mercure Hotel 4⋆, Geoagiu
Valoare investitie:
Mercure Hotel 4⋆, Deva
Valoare investitie:
Cota 1400m Hotel 4⋆, Sinaia
Valoare investitie:
Sopra Residential, Saturn
30.000 mp
Valoare investitie: 35 mil €
Veranda Residential, Ramnicu Valcea
8.000 mp
Valoare investitie: 7 mil €
Swiss Hotel 4⋆, Straja
Valoare investitie:
Mercure Hotel 4⋆, Geoagiu
Valoare investitie:
Mercure Hotel 4⋆, Deva
Valoare investitie:
Cota 1400m Hotel 4⋆, Sinaia
Valoare investitie:
Sopra Residential, Saturn
30.000 mp
Valoare investitie: 35 mil €
Veranda Residential, Ramnicu Valcea
8.000 mp
Valoare investitie: 7 mil €

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